The Girl Who Tried to Change History with Melissa Kaplan


Melissa Kaplan lives in Washington, DC, where she works as an advocate on food security and hunger policy. She studied at the London School of Economics and Political Science, earning a master’s degree in comparative politics with a focus on Europe. She has been a passionate student of history her entire life, particularly the World War II era, which helped inspire her debut novel. Kaplan is also an avid traveler who has visited more than forty countries, enjoys yoga and barre classes, and is currently working on her second novel.

The Girl Who Tried to Change History ( is a story about a time-traveling heroine whose efforts to help right the wrongs of the Second World War as a participant in a mysterious, top-secret program eventually lead her on a collision course that imperils her own life and the lives of those she loves in the future.

A perfect mix of science fiction, historical fiction and romantic flair, something for everyone, yes please!

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