Modern Listing Example

Secrets to Your Happiest, Healthiest Self with Liliana Partida, CN
Being our very best and living our best lives is never out of style. Liliana…

A Feisty Life Well-Lived with Jean Peelen
Feisty is the story of a woman with attitude – told in short reflections that…

Navigating your Healthcare Journey with Charlene Rothkopf and Colette Edwards, MD
Colette and Charlene are a doctor and a patient team who have dealt with the…

Saving History – the Balboa Island Ferry
A Pete Weitzner is a relaunch specialist – relaunching himself, that is. From accounting to…

Saving My Own Life – Me vs Ozempic with Kristi Staab
Inspiring leaders at every level to achieve extraordinary results in business and life is what…

Karen Foster’s Reasons for Waking Inspired her Siblings to Bring her Dream to Life
Karen Foster was born completely blind. Multiple surgeries before she was two restored only three…

Happy Accidents Bring an Accidental Pirate to Life with Brooks Almy
An Accidental Pirate is a rollicking historical fiction taking us from pre-colonial New England to…

Create Your Miraculous Life with Wendy Darling
A serious accident, opened Wendy to her unique healing gifts and processes. Combined with her…