Modern Listing Example

Is your mole safe, or will you be sorry?
Mariah Carey sports one. Robert DeNiro has one, too. Supermodel Cindy Crawford even made hers…

The raw facts about eating rare meat
The Japanese do it. Cavemen did it. Wilderness TV show hosts do it. High-class, snooty…

Need fiber? Here are 4 yummy sources for your diet
Believe it or not, most older adults want to improve their health. We get plenty…

3 signs your job is killing your relationship
By Amy Osmond Cook, Ph.D. When Andy Sachs (Anne Hathaway) took the job as an…

3 pain-free ways to prevent kidney stones
It can strike anyone, at any time. And the pain ranks right up there next…

10 benefits of soccer you didn’t know about—until now
By Amie Rose, guest contributor Every year, millions of children lace up their cleats and…

The surprise benefits of juicing
As we get older, our bodies process food differently. We tend to have smaller appetites,…

Is bad credit ruining your health?
Denied. Your bad credit history strikes again. You didn’t even plan on applying for credit;…