Modern Listing Example

Dawn Depke Shares Easy Techniques to Improve Health Instantly (without leaving your chair)
An expert in holistic healthcare, Dawn Depke helps patients get in touch with their higher…

Aggie Kobrin hopes to light up viewers to the provocative and fascinating world of e360tv
You won’t find reruns of Golden Girls here. But you will discover an innovative platform…

CPR: Learn It, Live It
More than 300,000 people die every year in the United States due to sudden cardiac…

5 Reasons To Celebrate Ride-a-Bike-To-Work Month
Spring is in the air, and the warm weather is calling many people to the…

Becca Nitta from Aroma Seize Makes Good ‘Scents’
There is something in the air, and it smells delicious. Becca Nitta from Aroma Seize…

Dr. JoQueta Handy: Your Sugary Diet Is Killing Your Health
JoQueta Handy, CEO, and co-founder of the Handy Wellness Center is here to talk about…

Dr. Janet Woods Knows What Is Written All Over Your Face. Do you?
“When you elevate your life as an art, so many wonderful things can happen,” said…

Nelson Brothers a Model of Intelligent Risk Taking
With boldness as a hallmark trait, the Nelson Brothers have found success in a reliable…