Modern Listing Example

GLOBETROTTER: How Abe Saperstein Shook Up the World of Sports
Today, the Harlem Globetrotters continue to bring their entertainment to millions of fans around the…

The Life and Times of an Entertainment Industry Insider with Francine Brokaw
Francine Brokaw has been a professional writer for over thirty years, focusing on entertainment, travel,…

The Girl Who Tried to Change History with Melissa Kaplan
Melissa Kaplan lives in Washington, DC, where she works as an advocate on food security…

From Modeling to Mrs Captain America to Power Pieces with Catherine Schuller
Out of her passion for people and causes, entrepreneurship, sustainability, supporting the world of inclusive…

Gabb: Kid-Safe Tech and Peace of Mind for All the Family with Nate Randle
Gabb® is safe tech for kids and peace of mind for all the family. Since…

Write That Book! It’s Just Another Beginning with Jean Peelen
From wife and mother to civil rights attorney, federal broadcasting executive, model/actress, show host, dog…

Becoming the Accidental Artist with Barbara (BB) Crawford
Covid led her to pull out her mom’s dust-covered oil paints and reclaim her own…

Write and Sing YOUR Song and Legacy with Drew Lawrence
Have you always dreamed of writing a song? Singing a song (out loud in front…