Addictive Eaters Anonymous: It’s time to taste the success of recovery


We all have a weakness for some things; things that at one point brought us joy. But when those habits start to control your life, it’s time to talk about addiction.

Originating in New Zealand, Addictive Eaters Anonymous was formed to offer support, fellowship, and recovery to those struggling with the balance of food. Inspired by the 12-steps of Alcoholics Anonymous, AEA has been helping people all over the world to better navigate their addictive attraction to food, their struggles with food disorders like anorexia, bulimia, and other forms to addictive eating and compulsive exercise.

Today, two brave women share their personal struggles with food addiction and how the 12 steps of the AEA program have given them a second chance at enjoying life.

If you feel powerless over your eating habits, please visit for more information on the program and support groups.






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